In chapter two of the The Beauty detox Solution Kimberly Synder marks that “our energy is more precious than all the gold in the world” and by this she means the energy in our body that allows us to function and live. In more relevant terms, MORE ENERGY= MORE BEAUTY! This is something all of us strive for and in this chapter we learn how to achieve just that. Synder argues that digestion is the key to eating your way to a better body as she and her clients have and I am sure that most of us want to eat as efficiently as possible so that our body can use energy to function as efficiently as possible. Kimberly uses the analogy of a wheel. She states, “when we are children, the wheel rolls along quickly and easily, and without obstruction,” but overtime waste starts to build up in our bodies and our wheels start to slow down and this is when we notice weight gain, aging, low energy, and sleepless nights. In other words, “Internal waste is like sludge in spokes of a wheel”. Synder marks that digestion is the key to having youthful radiant skin and lasting energy. We can accomplish this by following the “alkaline and acid principle” as well as the “80-20 rule”.
pH stands for power of hydrogen which reflects the concentration of hydrogen ions. This is representative if numbers ranging from 0 (acidic) to 14 (alkaline). With 7 being neutral, our ideal blood pH is 7.365. In chapter 1 Snyder discusses the strong correlation between eating animal protein and disease and other illnesses. In this chapter we understand why this is so. Since our natural blood pH level is around 7 we must pair a highly acidic food with a highly alkaline foods. For example, when eating a highly acidic food such as animal protein, a great food pairing would be sprouts which is very alkaline. Since an acidic body tends to hold on to excess weight it makes it a lot harder to lose weight because the organs in body are overwhelmed and store the acidic toxins into fatty tissue all over the body. By digesting more foods that leave alkaline residue in the blood, our bodies can use excess energy to make new skin and hair cells to leave us looking beautiful with energy throughout our day.
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